How to get in touch
Border Cottage Care can be contacted on relevant office numbers and emails. Should you have need to visit we have put in place all guidelines to keep safe. Handwashing/distancing/sanitising etc.
Border Cottage Care COVID-19 Statement
Border Cottage Care is committed to ensuring all steps are taken to protect the health and wellbeing of all our Staff and Service Users.
We are constantly monitoring our Business Continuity Plans in preparation for a possible escalation of the outbreak.
Advice for prevention
The best way to prevent infection and spread is to avoid being exposed to it. You can help to prevent the spread of any respiratory outbreak by doing the following:
Useful links for further up to date information
For the most up-to-date information you can visit The Department of Health and Social Care or see the below links for various official sources.
(last updated 07/2023)
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